Better Building in Africa


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Vocational Training Centres

AVN’s programme seeks to integrate professional training to the Nubian Vault technical concept in Vocational Training Centres, in order to develop the NV masonry profession and increase the response to local building needs.

You wish to integrate Nubian Vault curricula to your training offer? Contact us to design a collaboration.

Microfinance Institutions

AVN has launched a new product, the Nubian Vault Housing Microloan, in two pilot projects. They offer to clients a means for facilitated access to Nubian Vault construction.

Two partner microfinance institutions, Association for the Promotion of Inclusive Finance in Burkina (APFI-B) and Credit and Savings Baoré Tradition Union/NAAM (UBTEC), thus offer the NV Housing Microloan since 2016 in Burkina Faso.

You are a microfinance organization established in one of our areas of action and you wish to offer NV Housing Microlans to your clients?
Contact us now!