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The SDO and their adoption by French non-state actors

As a new member of the French Comité 21 network, AVN, along with 48 other members (corporate and territorial representatives, educators, NGO’s, researchers) has contributed to the drafting of a report on the adoption of Sustainable Development Objectives (SDO) by French non-state actors. Two years after its adoption, this report reflects the French commitment to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda established by the UN in 2015.

AVN specifically contributed to SDO 11, concerning the resilience of towns and human settlements, one of the key themes of AVN’s programme. AVN stressed the commitment of French actors to making a strong case for adapted housing and construction, via the Partenariat Français pour la Ville et le Territoire (PFVT).

On a larger scale, the strong involvement of the international community, including AVN, during the UN Habitat Conference in Quito last October shows a general commitment to make progress on SDO 11, bringing greater security, inclusion, resilience, and durability to human settlements.

However, the conclusions from this first report are mixed: awareness of the SDO and their implementation remain limited and superficial for the moment, but there is evidence for a progressive general realisation of their importance. The analysis will be developed further through the contributions of other actors in 2018 and 2019 during a « Tour de France of SDO ».

In the short term, this report should be widely distributed amongst civil society actors in France and beyond, and has already been promoted by a Comité 21 delegation at a UN High Level Political Forum in New York.